Banking Insights

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Blog: Building a Smarter Agile Bank

Once banks break from the traditional, channel-centric approach that often stifles innovation, they'll be able to offer dynamic digital ecosystems that match customers' need for the "always on" solution.

Blog: Updating Legacy Payments Systems Starts with Embracing a Phased Approach

Doing nothing isn't the way to go, but a Big Bang approach is risky and expensive. A phased, agile approach to updating payments platforms is less risky and allows banks to ramp up legacy systems step-by-step, channel by channel, and transaction by transaction.

Blog: Five Transformational Tweaks for Your Self-Service Channel Strategy

Although digital and automated transactions are growing, it doesn’t mean that banks can’t provide unique experiences at these channels while maximizing opportunities to generate leads, cross-sell and reinforce cross-channel richness.

Blog: For the Love of Coffee

The “instant coffee” phenomenon revolutionized the retail industry, embedding your payment in the ordering process. As instant payments, loyalty cards and other alternative methods gain popularity, are you prepared to process those payments types?

Blog: Here’s the Operating Model that Could Change the Game: Are You In?

Outsourcing ATM operations enables FIs to deliver a superior consumer experience, be in full control of security and compliance and increase efficiencies and channel profitability. This blog is a collection of the primary benefits we heard from four FIs from around the globe.

Blog: Self-Service Cash Recycling – An Opportunity with Growing Interest Worldwide

Despite the growing use of digital payments, cash will remain an important payment method; we’re seeing an increase in cash deposits, laying the foundation for a business case for cash recycling.

Blog: The Power of Purpose-Built and Zero-Trust

Security approaches to meet today’s demands are not black and white anymore. Institutions must take aggressive measures to prevent any form of attack and maintain consumer trust. Network operators simply cannot let their guard down on any front—so how can they effectively manage attacks coming from every angle?

Blog: In the Instant Payments Race, Does Winner Take All?

“Instant payments.” It’s a term that’s been talked about for years, but in practice (if you exclude the use of cash) it’s less than a decade old. So, what does it really mean? And why is it so important in today’s payments space?

Blog: Discover the “why” to create moments that matter

Dive into the latest research on the types of consumers using your banking channels. We partnered with NielsenIQ to survey 12,000 people across 11 countries. Find out what they really want in a bank.

Blog: Seven Years, Zero Successful Attacks...Ensure Your ATMs are Secure This Holiday Season

FIs around the globe are taking measures to combat skimming and the race to prevent fraud is never-ending. Anti-skimming technology remains an essential asset to protect consumers and their data from fraud while simultaneously preserving their trust in their bank. See how our ActivEdge card reader has proven to be a game-changer to defeat all known skimmers.

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